When they arrived at Jerusalem (part of South Starksboro), Ralph spoke to a couple who live on Harlow Drive at the junction of Jerusalem Road who explained that it was named Jerusalem because it is at the same altitude above sea level as the Holy City in Israel. There was an abandoned boat resting in the yard.
Jerusalem, Vermont, consists of Jerusalem Road and two roads that intersect it (Harlow Drive and Russell Young Road). These three roads are lined with houses, the Jerusalem Corners Country Store, a Chevron station, a bed and breakfast, a few abandoned buildings, a cemetery, and a one-room schoolhouse built in 1874. Ralph wrote: “The young lady attending the country store said that her father went to school at the one-room schoolhouse down the street where Jerusalem Road meets Vermont Route 17. The large side door of schoolhouse is actually a volunteer fire station!”
About the photographer: Ralph de la Portilla is a native Miamian who earned his BFA degree in theater at New World School of the Arts in Miami in 1992 during the years I was dean of visual arts there.
See Jerusalem, Vermont 04 June 2009 posting for images of Russell Young Bed and Breakfast matched with images of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, Israel.